Saturday, September 07, 2013

Harry goes to the Vet

The vet says Harry is a healthy dog and that we don't not need to worry. Although he trembled so much when she tried to examine him that she could not get a good pulse reading.

She gave him some metacam to help ease the arthritis in his hind legs. It is early days yet but he did seem to be walking better today.


CC said...

Good news..except for the anxiety part.
Long healthy happy life, Harry!

My Cat Boys, Tizzy and Fred don't like VET visits either.

CC said...

Love this Harry photo.....

Unknown said...

Harry we hope you are OK and happy today. Have a serene Sunday.
Best wishes Molly

Zhoen said...

Hard to walk when one is achy, any help will, help. Dear Harry.

marley said...

Glad to ear yoo is doin okk Arry my chum....i went to so menee vets that I was nivver nervuss wiv em....they always look after me sooper and was my best pals...they gib me treets to wot elps of course...

World of Animals, Inc said...

We are happy that Harry's vet visit went well and he is healthy. We hope the next day he had some time to relax after a nervous day. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
World of Animals