Sunday, October 09, 2011

Harry gets lost

Harry was on a walk with me - dawdling some way behind - me lost in thought - him lost in smells - when a lady with another dog came along.

She saw nobody with him, thought him lost, and tried phoning the number on his collar tag. As there was no reply she connected her lead though his collar and led him away in tandem with dog.

We sometimes loose each other for a while but this is the first time something like this has happened.


CC said...

I take it Harry's back again safe and sound.
What a scare. Poor Harry, I'm sure he wanted to explain but couldn't find the words......

Please give Harry's ears a friendly scritch for me. CC

marley said...

He he, I dawdle a LOT my pal. I am always bringin up the rear of the pack. It's the best place to catch all the scents...and get the last word. Woof

geniecolg said...

Poor Harry. Abducted, at his age. I hope he's recovered from the trauma.

Ralph said...

I have my mobile number on Ralph's tag, so I never miss a call. The one time he'd run off at my mother-in-laws, I dashed out to find him without my phone and missed the call telling me he was safe.

Treaclewoo said...

OMG don't lose Harry he is just too precious!