Monday, August 27, 2012

Confession from a very bad dog owner

I was left alone to look after Harry for the week and the only thing my wife asked before going away was that I didn't forget to keep Harry's water bowl filled.

I took Harry out today and when we got to the little beach near Abingdon Weir, Harry went for a paddle and then just drank and drank.

I have to confess that when I got home, I found that Harry's water bowl was bone dry.


CC said...

Poor Harry!!
Hope he didn't pick up any parasites in that
dirty water. :-(

CC said...

Poor Harry!!
Hope he didn't pick up any parasites in that
dirty water. :-(

Unknown said...

Tutt Tutt. Poor Harry! Have a great Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Zhoen said...

It's a dogs life.