A lot of new cats have moved into the neighbourhood recently. We now have two cats - not just the one Harry has known for years.
The new cat dashes around madly and often goes up the chimney.
A lady over the way had three kittens left on her front door step which have now grown up. So Harry spends more time on cat duty in our garden than ever before. He will get excited and bark at cats that don't belong, and sometimes by mistake even barks at cats that do.
From little noises uttered in sleep - half barks - it appears that there are cats there too - in dreamland.
A friend who had a Border Terrier, once told me that that dog was the closest thing to a CAT that a DOG could be. Wonder if..at least once in a while..Harry's in touch with his "inner cat"?
=^..^= :~)
Love you Harry!!
I used to ave a cat nex door Arry my pal...he would wave at me from da top of da shed.....I dussnt like dat cat
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Many Thanks,
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